Three Women One Story: In Search Of Justice

By Dr. Fowzia Siddiqui With 2nd May and the focus of world politics, the past months took a back seat when I saw the story of three women flash before my eyes. The solution to these events is simple but slipping from our grips as time is ticking away. I share with you three women.Continue reading “Three Women One Story: In Search Of Justice”

Legal Justifications for the American Attack in Abbottabad

by Idress Kamal Former Bush administration lawyer John Bellinger is surprised that the Obama administration hasn’t been forthcoming in presenting its arguments for the legality of the operation to kill Osama bin Laden: I can think of two possible reasons for the Administration’s silence. First, the White House may be feeling snake-bitten after having to correct some ofContinue reading “Legal Justifications for the American Attack in Abbottabad”