The Disillusionment of Young Chinese

Many believe that they’re the most unlucky generation since the 1980s as Beijing’s persistent pursuit of the zero Covid policy wreaks havoc. By Li Yuan/ May 24, 2022 Four years ago, many young Chinese liked to use the hashtag #Amazing China. Two years ago, they said that China was the “A” student in pandemic control and urged theContinue reading “The Disillusionment of Young Chinese”

How Covid Raised the Stakes of the War Between Faith and Science

Nov. 7, 2021 By Tish Harrison Warren I have never had much interest in faith versus science debates. They simply did not resonate with me. I believe God created the world, but I never felt the need to nail down the details or method of creation. I went to a fairly conservative evangelical seminary (founded byContinue reading “How Covid Raised the Stakes of the War Between Faith and Science”

Why a New Mother’s Biggest Asset Is Often Her Own Mom

When I first became a mother a decade ago, I lived 282 miles from my mom, on a block full of clueless new parents like me — formerly competent adults who now found ourselves calling the fire department because our toddlers had locked us out again, or because we’d set our homes ablaze in aContinue reading “Why a New Mother’s Biggest Asset Is Often Her Own Mom”

Freedom of Expression is Vital During Covid-19

C R Abrar, April 2021  The world is passing through a cataclysmic phase. Fear, anxiety and uncertainty have gripped the nations. The ways of life that were taken for granted have suddenly become tenuous. Covid-19 has put governments under stress in charting out their responses: some appear to have succeeded in containing the contagion,Continue reading “Freedom of Expression is Vital During Covid-19”

Arundhati Roy: Our Task is to Disable the Engine

While the human race is momentarily incarcerated, and even as a record-size hole opens in the ozone layer above the Arctic, the earth has given us an indication of her ability to heal. Even in our moments of sickness and loss we cannot help but hold our collective breath in wonder at the show sheContinue reading “Arundhati Roy: Our Task is to Disable the Engine”

Here’s How to Crush the Virus Until Vaccines Arrive

To save lives, and save the economy, we need another lockdown. By Michael T. Osterholm and Neel Kashkari/ Aug. 7, 2020 Dr. Osterholm is director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Mr. Kashkari is president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. In just weeks we could almost stop theContinue reading “Here’s How to Crush the Virus Until Vaccines Arrive”

How Portugal is Handling its Addiction and the Drug Problem

Decriminalization involves trade-offs, but treating addiction as a disease yields a clear gain, research suggests. By Austin Frakt/ Oct. 5, 2020 Many people point to Portugal as an example for the United States to emulate in dealing with illicit drugs. But Portugal’s experience is often misunderstood. Although it decriminalized the use of all illicit drugs in small amounts inContinue reading “How Portugal is Handling its Addiction and the Drug Problem”

The World Economy and the Coronavirus

  The emergence of vaccines has taken the edge off the worst fears, but a meaningful economic recovery probably remains distant. By Peter S. Goodman Nearly a year into a pandemic that has ravaged the global economy like no time since the Great Depression, the only clear pathway toward improved fortunes is containing the virus itself. With theContinue reading “The World Economy and the Coronavirus”

A Covid-19 Surge in Pakistan

Public apathy and suspicion, and the government’s inability to enforce health restrictions, are feeding a second wave in a country with a limited social safety net. A taxi driver, drove his sick father to this city’s three main hospitals. All of their intensive care beds and ventilators were occupied. He was told there might beContinue reading “A Covid-19 Surge in Pakistan”

What is the Point of Continuing to Operate Economy if we don’t survive

By Paul Krugman/ NYT May 28, 2020 America is now engaged in a vast, dangerous experiment. Although social distancing has limited the spread of the coronavirus, it is far from contained. Yet despite warnings from epidemiologists, much of the country is moving to open up for business as usual. You might think that such a momentousContinue reading “What is the Point of Continuing to Operate Economy if we don’t survive”

The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others?

  Experts are trying to figure out why the coronavirus is so capricious. The answers could determine how to best protect ourselves and how long we have to. The coronavirus has killed so many people in Iran that the country has resorted to mass burials, but in neighboring Iraq, the body count is fewer thanContinue reading “The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others?”