A Church in Czech Republic Made of Muslim Bones?

In the city of Sedelik of the Czech Republic, there is an interesting church.

This church is not made of wood, nor it is made of cement, nor it is made of metal, but instead it is made of parts of Muslims.

In the year of 1218, the Pope of that time, to show pride, ordered the construction of a church bringing the bones of Muslims killed for its construction.

The order was sent to the country by bringing the bones of 40,000 Muslims.

Some like Mr Ikram Khan however say that these are not Muslim bones but are actually bones of people who died in a plague. They wanted burial at this “holy” site and thus this monument.

Published by alaiwah

ALAIWAH'S PHILOSOPHY About 12 years ago, while studying Arabic in Cairo, I became friends with some Egyptian students. As we got to know each other better we also became concerned about each other’s way of life. They wanted to save my soul from eternally burning in hell by converting me to Islam. I wanted to save them from wasting their real life for an illusory afterlife by converting them to the secular worldview I grew up with. In one of our discussions they asked me if I was sure that there is no proof for God’s existence. The question took me by surprise. Where I had been intellectually socialized it was taken for granted that there was none. I tried to remember Kant’s critique of the ontological proof for God. “Fine,” Muhammad said, “but what about this table, does its existence depend on a cause?” “Of course,” I answered. “And its cause depends on a further cause?” Muhammad was referring to the metaphysical proof for God’s existence, first formulated by the Muslim philosopher Avicenna. Avicenna argues, things that depend on a cause for their existence must have something that exists through itself as their first cause. And this necessary existent is God. I had a counter-argument to that to which they in turn had a rejoinder. The discussion ended inconclusively. I did not convert to Islam, nor did my Egyptian friends become atheists. But I learned an important lesson from our discussions: that I hadn’t properly thought through some of the most basic convictions underlying my way of life and worldview — from God’s existence to the human good. The challenge of my Egyptian friends forced me to think hard about these issues and defend views that had never been questioned in the milieu where I came from. These discussions gave me first-hand insight into how deeply divided we are on fundamental moral, religious and philosophical questions. While many find these disagreements disheartening, I will argue that they can be a good thing — if we manage to make them fruitful for a culture debate. Can we be sure that our beliefs about the world match how the world actually is and that our subjective preferences match what is objectively in our best interest? If the truth is important to us these are pressing questions. We might value the truth for different reasons: because we want to live a life that is good and doesn’t just appear so; because we take knowing the truth to be an important component of the good life; because we consider living by the truth a moral obligation independent of any consequences; or because we want to come closer to God who is the Truth. Of course we wouldn’t hold our beliefs and values if we weren’t convinced that they are true. But that’s no evidence that they are. Weren’t my Egyptian friends just as convinced of their views as I was of mine? More generally: don’t we find a bewildering diversity of beliefs and values, all held with great conviction, across different times and cultures? If considerations such as these lead you to concede that your present convictions could be false, then you are a fallibilist. And if you are a fallibilist you can see why valuing the truth and valuing a culture of debate are related: because you will want to critically examine your beliefs and values, for which a culture of debate offers an excellent setting.

65 thoughts on “A Church in Czech Republic Made of Muslim Bones?

  1. there are no muslim bones at all, so there is no need to spread such groundless rumours, especially under key words such as “killing muslims”. are you out your mind? you can read about the place at this web site http://www.kostnice.cz or here:

    A cistercian monastery was founded near here in the year 1142. One of the principal tasks of the monks was the cultivation of the grounds and lands around the monastery. In 1278 King Otakar II of Bohemia sent Henry, the abbot of Sedlec , on a diplomatic mission to the Holy Land. When leaving Jerusalem Henry took with him a handful of earth from Golgotha which he sprinkled over the cemetery of Sedlec monastery, consequently the cemetery became famous, not only in Bohemia but also throughout Central Europe and many wealthy people desired to be buried here.The burial ground was enlarged during the epidemics of plague in the 14 th century (e.g.in 1318 about 30 000 people were buried here) and also during the Hussite wars in first quarter of the 15 th. century.

    After 1400 one of the abbots had a church of All -Saints erected in Gothic style in the middle of the cemetery and under it a chapel destined for the deposition of bones from abolished graves, a task which was begun by a half blind Cistercian monk after the year 1511. The charnel-house was remodelled in Czech Baroque style between 1703 – I710 by the famous Czech architect, of the Italian origin ,Jan Blažej SANTIM-Aichl. The present arrangement of the bones dates from 1870 and is the work of a Czech wood-carver, František RINT (you can see his name, put together from bones, on the right-hand wall over the last bench).
    Our ossuary contains the remains of about 40 000 people. The largest collections of bones are arranged in the form of bells in the four corners of the chapel.

    The most interesting creations by Master Rint are the chandelier in the centre of the nave, containing all the bones of the human body , two monstrances beside the main altar and the coat-of arms of the Schwarzenberg noble family on the left-hand side of the chapel.

  2. I have been informed by 2 of my friends that these are not bones of Muslims but of people who died in the plague which ravaged Europe during the 14th century.

    I have since searched the internet. The original web page for this ossuary is http://www.kostnice.cz. I have also found several Islamic sites propogating the idea that these are bones of Muslims. I leave it to you to decide the truth for yourself.

    Personally, I agree with my friends.
    Yours Tariq Zafar

  3. Either way, don’t you think its a little unnerving to have a place of worship full of real skulls and bones ? How can one concentrate and pray to GOD in peace when you have about a 100 dead people staring down ?

    1. It’s called “memento mori”. Do you know where the Czech Republic is? It’d be quite hard to bring so many Muslims there, no matter dead or alive. That’s just silly.

      1. excuse me just because you dont beleive this it does noit mean it is not true who know but i sujjest yoiu don’t spread rumers yourself

  4. Dear all, I am a manager of Information Center in Kutna Hora Sedlec and with a full authority given from the owner of the Bone church I have to confirm that there is absolutely no evidence available bones would have to do anything with muslims. If so, please can anyone share it with us. On the other side, the abolished cemetery, where the 40 000 bones came from used to have 3500 sqm and we have enough evidence about that. Only the fact, that non Christians could never be burried on the Christian cemetery and even inside any church gives enough support.
    Trust this helps

    1. Dear Sir,

      I regretfully apologize to you on behalf of “supposedly” my brothers and sisters who created this rumor and those who believed in it. I received this email from a friend and before forwarding it, I decided to check the facts since I didn’t believe a word of it. I am studying in a country where everyday I interact with people of all faiths and know that no religion teaches hate and neither should we Muslims fall prey to such fallacies if unfortunately some of our Muslim brothers are suffering in this world. Our responsibility is to spread peace as Muslims, peace which is the basis of our religion.

      Thank you so much for your response. I pray that before anyone forwards this message they think twice before doing so.

      1. I am agree with you sister Sidra,
        Muslims have nothing to do with these rumors,
        as a nation they are very practical and with attractive

        AH Sheikh, The Netherlands

      2. Dear all i really dont know what to say … but as far as sidra your comment is concerned , i agree that no religion teach hate but when it comes to proudness and the king mind thingy then Lot of people act as animal… wat do u say about changez khan ???? he build a minared ( Minaar) of muslim skulls then what is left to discuss about … i also searched alot about this thing but christians will never accept this thing … i am still clue less what to say but people can be so BAD trust me.

    2. Dear Sir/Friend

      Thank you and God bless you for explaining every thing .
      I also wish all my Muslim brothers and sisters not to believe these rumors.

      But to be honest , I do not see any point in building a ” pray house ” no matter called Church or a Mosque from human bones . I’m prety sure that their souls will not in peace unless their bones be burried again . ASHES TO ASHES , DUST TO DUST .

  5. It would have been a massive task to gather the bones of 40,000 Muslims. If this was the case there would have been many accounts of the construction of this church littered throughout historical documents and stories. I do wish that my Muslim brothers would do a little more research before kicking up a fuss.

  6. Assalam Allaikum (peace be upon you)
    Really We Are humans we are not perfect. . . that means we cant know what the truth is but allah(sw) can know that and we can’t hide from it
    if they made that church from moslim people or another people bones really that is some thing that they will get from hellfire
    but the question is . . . Christians always claim that they love peace and instability and they hate to kill . . .come on.!! aren’t you see what is going on here THEY GOT CHURCH BUILD IT FROM BONES OF HUMAN. . NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE. . . is that what you call god house or the place that you pray..??
    Really if a person doesn’t fear/respect by his lord/his creator than that means that he can do what ever he want . . as you see Christians do what ever in their minds couse their is no low that they believe from the almighty creator allah(swt)/god
    anyway as we are moslims we know that you can do this thing or another thing and we believe that . . .
    but still you cant hide the truth . .
    anyway how come that you can pray a place of full of human bones..???????????

  7. I agree with Abdullah. This is just stupid.
    To N and Adam: Do you want to teach chritians how to worship THEIR God?
    Thank you “IC Sedlec manager ” for the information.

    a moslem from Algeria.

  8. Dears,
    U people have to confirm this b4 spreading.or u shud have given any reff.regarding this matter.or else it wil effect muslims & islam vry badly.

    ‘Christians always claim that they love peace and instability and they hate to kill . . .come on.!! aren’t you see what is going on here THEY GOT CHURCH BUILD IT FROM BONES OF HUMAN. . NO MATTER WHAT THEY ARE. . . is that what you call god house or the place that you pray..??’

    how come that you can pray a place of full of human bones..???????????

    U said it dear ADAM…

    Anybody have any answer ??

  9. hello
    do not worry, in Islam there is a recommendation which urges us to verify the information before making a decision.
    it is sufficient just to READ and VERIFY

  10. 100% agreed with hadjij redouane. Jazak Allah for keeping your faith and peace amongst human beings despite any such stupid rumors or even if it is true, trying to keep away from such historical shame and not trying to come up with new excuses to defame Christianity, Islam or any other religion in the pursuit of more wars, bloodshed and anarchy. All of us need peace, not confusions anymore.

    Personally, when I saw it, I felt not only miserable but sad. Just the way those people tried to decorate human bones in such a shameful way of “art” is mere stupidity, indignity and plainly having no conscience.

    Alhamdolillah, there is no such mosque in the history of Muslims to show-case anything like that and insha Allah Islam will continue to spread peace, harmony and mutual respect amongst humans from any backgrounds.

    Take very good care of your neighbors irrespective of their religions, color, cast, gender, etc.


  11. Assalamu alaikum,
    Dear brothers and sisters of all community.First of all I hate to see such mails and this is more ridiculous to circulate this mail.who is that man constructing a place to worship with human bones.is’nt look like inhuman.whatever please dont spread this we as normal people from each community want to live in peace as sisters and brothers.

  12. Hi ,, i just recieved this email ,, if its a rumor its a shame ,,there is already alot of hatred between Christians and us,, on our part,, we should avoid these articles which makes things worse,,

  13. It is apparently untrue. One can see the walls are made of concrete; if i were a christian, i would not like to pray near a decoration made from muslim bones.. this is just a propaganda to continue a division between the believers. must remember we are all people of the book. The worshipping of the dead went on during the victorian time.. just a fashion, a phase
    There is already too much propaganda around us. Please stop this stupid one

  14. Like many, I received an email that was tempting to re-send to others, but the story was a ‘bit’ too much. So I checked it out, and … voila! I found this. I guess, I’m not sure if the ‘manager’ was really ‘THE MANAGER’. I also know that the date was about the same time there was so much anti-Islam in Europe at that time, that lead to the ‘Crusaders’ invading Muslim land and doing so much atrocities, that are defined today as “ethnic cleansing” or at least “war crimes”. However, I intend to research this more, but for now, I lean towards calming down and not believing everything said. After all, this is what we ask other to do when they’r told “Muslims are terrorists”. Right? Otherwise, bigotry and stereotype may eventually cause more wars and invasions. Or it’s causing that already!! At least I won’t be a part of it.

  15. By the way, more research revealed: this is not the only bone based church. http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/skull-cathedral-otranto-bones-martyrs-adorn-walls/9100 This link will take you to more of that. I don’t criticize or judge people on their taste of worship. It’s their prerogative. I know I won’t pray in a mosque next to cemetery, let alone full of bones. But that’s me. Again, I tend to disbelieve the story of the 40,000 Muslim bones church in Czech. Czechs are nice people historically. They were never involved in invading others or into atrocities. Why would anyone pick this place for such a project? It’s too far. If I was the ‘Pope’ who, supposedly, ordred this, then I’l suggest Rome or Athens. Much closer to the ‘raw material, and nicer weather too. Sorry Sedleik, not your day of glory.

  16. As a fellow muslim I would like to confirm that the vast majority of muslims try to live peacefully, and in harmony, with all faiths as we are all creations of the Almighty. I have a lot of non muslim friends that I respect for whom they are and the good qualities they possess.

    I do not believe that the bones in the Church belong to muslims. The muslim people attempting to stir trouble should be ashamed of themselves. The Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H said that if someone slaps you on the left cheek, offer them the other too. Meaning do not reply to violence with violence. The word Islam means peace. I just wish the muslims propogating hatred would understand the religion in it’s true form and spend more time prostrating there heads before the Almighty and praying. Instead of mis-interpreting snippets of the Holy Quran people need to read the paragraphs in full and understand it’s true meaning by liasing with scholars.

    I pray that the Almighty guide’s us all to the righteous path, and protects us from the evils of this world.

    1. Dear brother,
      can you please clarify where Prophet Muhammed said “When some one slap you on one cheek, offer him the other” ???

    2. When the Prophet Muhammed P.B.U.H went to the town of Taif, to spread the word of Allah (God), and invite the people to Islam, the entire community began to mock him. This incident escalated to violence and the entire town joined forces in pelting the Holy Prophet with stones and beating him. When he left the town he was beaten so badly that his sandals were full of his own blood. As he departed he was met by an Angel who explained that Allah has given the Angel instructions to bury the entire town under the mountains, either side of it, should the Prophet choose to do so. The Prophet declined the offer and instead made supplication to Almighty Allah asking for forgiveness for the people of Taif and also prayed for their guidance to Islam.

      There were many examples like this where the Prophet did not avenge with violence and when he explained this to the Beloved Sahaba he took an example that it is better to offer the other cheek, after being slapped than to retaliate with violence. The path involving Allah’s guidance and peaceful resolve is far superior than taking matters into our own hands.

      Hope this clarifies the example for you brother Ahmed. May Allah’s peace be with you.

  17. What a shame!!!! For any country or person even more shameful a Pope, can take pride in the killing of human beings and put them on public display as if it were something to be applauded. Its obvious that terrorism/ slaughter / genocide / annihilation – be it in the past or today is not subject to Islam as our media claims, Christianity – The POPE is no better!!!
    I pray for the day the peace comes to us all – regardless of religion, race or ethnicity.

  18. Dear All, Most of the muslims brothers tried their best to clear the issue and I am feeling sorry for most of our muslim brothers who read the emails and forward it as it is without any research. It may be a planned game of someone to create distances between muslims and non-muslims in this critical age. At the end I want to mention a HADITH of Muhammad SAW that “It is enough for any Muslim to be lier when he hear something and pass it on without any clarification/research to others”. Hope that it will clear the mind of our muslim brothers. So please don’t pass any email containing such type fo biased words, please clear it before. Thanks. Murtaza Hussain

  19. Dear All,
    I agree with all and request those who circulate this kind of emails to disturb the harmony of this world.
    Islam never encourages hatred and killing. Prophet Mohammed says: Killing one innocent person is like killing the whole humanity.
    Also watch :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utHBJmQIz7g
    Lets invite one another on the true path with peace and love.

  20. this certainly doesnt make sense. how wud u identify religion of bones over 3,000 years old? Please brothers and sisters of whatever faith, avoid such inflammatory remarks that could breed more hatred on earth. there is already more violence, hatred, man’s inhumanity to man than i care for. lets not contribute to creating more.

    1. Brother,
      If this incident happened in 1218, then we are barley talking about an 800 years period here!

  21. Hi at all,
    I was there only two weeks ago. It’s called Sedlec Ossuary and it is located in a small town called Kutna Hora. The church is not made of bones, I mean, it is not built with bones, but the bones are just piled inside. That is because, as I learned when I was visiting it, the cemetery is very small and a few centuries ago, there was no more space, so they decided to pile the bones elsewhere. You also have to know that in the Western world it is not the same as in Judaism or in Islam that once a person is buried, he cannot be disinterred or the grave can be used again.
    The bones were only brought together in the way we can see it today by a crazy artist in the 19th century. However, I did not see an altar there and I do not believe that anyone prays in there anymore. There are only a lot of tourists who make silly photographs – that is a bit macabre if you ask me. And to prevent you from blaming the Christians, there are visitors from all over the world who want to see this.
    I do not know whether God exists, but I just wish that peace may be with everyone and that there are no clashes about such stupid topics. It does not matter which God you believe in if you do not get tolerance but rather ignorance out of religion.

  22. Salam to all
    In the name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

    We live in a world of many realities and facts . We can say everything is OK there is no killing no murder in people personally , But there happens a problem. the PROBLEM is that it is not true .

    Again we can say there are no slaughters performed around us by systematic civilizational governments , We can close our eyes to such facts and as a poet and compose a poem about the peaceful world around us according to our imaginative fictions . We can as easily as drinking water( a proverb in my country for simplicity) say all of us are in peace and . …

    But again there is a problem . IT IS NOT TRUE .

    What is happening in more than half a century in Palestine ,
    Completetly a Slaughter
    Isn’t it ?
    Who are supporters of Israeili murserers ? Western Governments and some people in US and Europe . Did the Catholic Pope protest in anyway ? Did he feel the “world in peace” in any affectionful way ?

    What is happening in Afghanistan ? in Iraq almost every week 50 people are exploded . what happened in Bosnia Herzegovina ?

    Now we have a so called United Nations ( Read it United governments for robbing nations ,in spite of some exceptions ) . Now it is 2010 . Now Western people seem some civilized at least in their shows .
    Now we have protesters in all over the world and we have media and mass information .

    suppose the time of crusade wars , I mention that some hundred years after that when western people had got more civilized , Europeans Occupied the North America Continent and made a slaughter among native Indians to take over their lands , almost 80 million native Indians were killed because Europeans wanted more PEACE .

    Again suppose some hundred years before the crusade wars , Why such a church is bedighted with bones . Look at skulls with a piece of bone in their mouth , Doesn’t it remind you of DOGS ?

    Isn’t it for slighting and scorning those deads ? It seems so , there is a picture of a figure made of bones that shows the crown of a bishop with a cross over it made of bones . what does it mean ? why a bishop crown ?

    I know that No strong murderer , calls himself so . But I ask all people reading this to think , but not simply , but thoroughly about whatever they hear and read . and please “DON’T SUPPOSE YOURSELF IN PARADISE ” because we are not there yet .

    I don’t know if you publish this , But if You did it I THANK you a lot .

    Yours Truely
    Hossein Vazifehali
    Iran . Qom

    1. this is thought full peice that you wrote,and they can do this they went all the way to jeruslem to fill its street muslim blood in the name of religion.
      what ever they built it with its derogatory to human beings and i dont think it is a place to worship God may be this is a church made to worship satan..

  23. Bones of Muslims, Christians, Jews or not this edifice is horrifying.

    It is a macabre sight that speaks quite a few books for the people who built it with their hands or money, their faith and/or ideology and those who went or still go pray there.

    This is a great example of the back bone of civilised Europe, but quite unfortunately not the only one.

  24. I must note that there are numerous Catholic churches around the world where the bones of Christian (Catholic) believers are on display. There is nothing novel or new here.

    These types of displays exist in Mexico, Central America and South America, as well as in Europe. Surely it might not be the type of ‘”interior decoration” that a Muslim would prefer to see. Even fellow Christians often shudder at the idea of “bones as art”. I, myself find it a bit spooky and unnerving.

    But you must realize that these displays (though not often as ornate as the one shown) are uncommon, but NOT unique. I suppose it is easy to spread a lie and claim that every display of bones in a religious situation is automatically “Muslim bones”. Maybe the bone displays in Honduras from the 1700s are actually made from Muslim bones, too? Preposterous!

    I suppose that whipping up frenzy over falsehoods and lies is an easy way to participate in the culture of “The Whole World Is Out To Get Us! ™”.

    When the electric grid fails in North Korea, North Koreans always blame power outages on the Americans. Even if it is just a two hour outage over a few square blocks in some insignificant town, and there’s a lightning storm going on, still: “It’s the Americans! It’s the West!!”

    People hear about this and they (rightly) think that North Koreans are completely misguided dopes.

    What do you think people are thinking about Muslims when a few outspoken and uninformed people whip up crazy stories like the one in this article?

    I believe this sort of rumor spreading improperly portrays Islam as a religion of conspiracy theorists and crackpots. I believe therefore it is an insult to Islam to even publish this rumor. I am glad to see so many sane Muslims speaking out, and trying to put a stop to this silly rumor which insults the intelligence of the believers in their religion. Let us all live together in honesty and try to understand one another, not invent histories and rumors to divide one another.

    You can be my friend and I can be yours. We need not necessarily think precisely the same things about every aspect of religion in order to befriend one another. We certainly need not believe the rumors espoused by liars.

  25. i really wish to strangle the idiot who wrote that article
    considering that he obviously failed in geography he should bone up on his central european history as well
    horewer i would like to higlight some facts which are easily available on the net
    first the the cemetery was established in 1278 after it was sprinkeled with the earth from holly lands it become sort of a shortcut to heaven for katholics of the time (like pilgrimage after death) people from as far as france vere buried there.in those times muslim lands vere nowhere near bohemia
    around 1400 a church was build in the midle of the cemetery whych obviously unearthed the first bunch of bones…these vere stacked in a crypt as was the custom
    what you see today is actually the crypt….it is not a place to pray in you would do that in a church above….crypt is merely a church basement where you used to burry people
    so technically these people are buried
    once again in 1400 bohemia was nowhere near muslim lands and there vere no muslims in bohemia (even today there is not enugh muslims in czech republic to build something like that)
    finally in 19th century the whole decoration was done and once again bohemia was nowhere near muslim lands
    besides this sedlec is probably the moust elaborate and best known ossuary but there are many of these in europe .
    the only possible conection to muslims there is the Schwarzenberg family crest which represents a crow pecking on turkish heads due to the Schwarzenberg war eforts agaist muslim invaders in balkans but since they are german/austrian family do not bitch to czechs about it please
    finaly i do not understan why some muslim people are atempting to drag my country in to their disputes with world especially as they probably can not even find it on the map. my country never had anny colonies never opressed anybody and beyond individual participation of some knights did not take part in crusades or anny invasion of anny muslim countries we want to be left alone please just as we are leaving people alone thank you

  26. Hi to all.

    I have just got the e-mail and text about the church. As coming from a country in which Muslims suffered a bloody war in late 20th century in the heart of Europe, I would be really affected if the rumors related this church were true. But, first and logical issue is: HOW CAN ANYONE BELIEVE THAT IT WAS MADE OF MUSLIM BONES IF THERE WERE NO MUSLIMS IN EUROPE AT ALL IN 13TH CENTURY? Islam came to Europe with Turks (Ottomans) in 15th century. So please let’s stop sharing rumors with no evidences and do not create lies about God’s houses, regardless of the religion they promote.

    Regards to all.

    Alma Kovacevic
    Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  27. We know the history of FANATICS not long ago SHATILA and Sabra camps



  28. May be not the bones of Muslims but still it’s a sick idea, these bones should be collected and burried honorably. How can one pray in such a creepy place.

  29. This is a Lie… the world knows that these people died of cholera and they were not muslims. You can find more website about this info and know that this is false. To this century, some islamic leader & gov’ts eg: Iran leader & gov’ts play with people by spreading false articles.

  30. به ادعای خودش در قران، آلله بزرگترین حیله گرانست. و البته در جهت پیروی از یک موجود مکار و حیله گر، ویا به عبارت دیگر دروغگو وشیّاد، لازمست که پیرو نیز دروغ را باور کند وآنرا پخش کند و برای اینکار هیچ دروغگویی و دروغ سازی را شرم نداند و از آن ابایی نداشته باشد.
    این کلیسا در قرن 12 میلادی پایه گذاشته شده و در قرن 13 قبرستان آن با پخش کردن مقداری از خاک تپه جلجتا که از اورشلیم توسط رییس صومعه شهرسدلیک آورده شده بود، حالت تقدیس پیدا کرد و بسیاری از مردم بقول معروف وصیّت دفن در آنجا را میکردند. پس از آن و برطبق رسوم که استخوانهای مردگانرا از خاک بیرون آورده و در ساختمانی بنام استخوان خانه جا میدادند، کلیسای کوچکی بر روی این خانه استخوانها در قرن 15 و 16 میلادی بنا شد، و در اوایل قرن 18 توسط آرشیتکتی بنام “یان بلازه سانتیم” بصورت فعلی آن نوسازی شد. در سالهای 1870 دکوراسیون فعلی استخوانها توسط هنرمند چوبتراش چک بنام “فرانسیس رنت” بوجود آمد، و منتظر ماند تا یک پیرو دروغ و مکر و حیله از پیروان دروغگوی کبیر”الله مدینه” آنرا بدنیا معرفی کند!. حالا خوددانید

  31. Assalam-o-alaikum to All Muslims and hello to all friends.

    in account of this blog I just wanted to say that is nothing to discuss about like these things If we really wished to bring peace in our lives we have to follow the Islam because Islam is the religion which taught us the right and actuall preachings to lead the lives in a very confined and transperant way, wether it is way of prayers or dealing with any part of our lives so please be on a track and forget any other religion if you really want to be in rest in the life after this catastrophic world. Thanx

  32. I mean to say what the hell is doing you all people if you want to get on a right track you should follow the Islam which has a exect mean for peace in the world and hereafter Allah give birth all human kind and all his prophets like Muhammad Peace be upone him and Jesus and Moses and all but they are not his sons eccept his preachers, men and Prophets so be on track and be a human be a Muslim.

  33. Dear Brother and sisters in Islam. Why should we believe something of which we cannot find any proof for. I could not find any credible proof as per my research that suggests that these are bones of muslims. As a muslim we should refrain from spreading rumors. Spreading rumors is also a sin, remember that.

  34. Now–let me ask my christian colleagues—-what if it was a mosque with 40 thousand skulls and bones—-what would your holiness would be claiming the muslims to be—-.

    I would say that the christians would not waste a moment to slam the religion down.

    1. well the bones are christian to start with…it is not the only ossuary in christian world. not to mention that the bones are in the crypt not on the main floor. and not to mention that muslims did build monuments to their wictories with chistian heads…. there is a tower in bakans for example build out of christian heads as a victory monument ,it was build by muslims.

  35. The city name is Kutna Hora. The church name is Of All Saints. Those bones were collected after the epidemie of the plague (black-death) in 1318 and there are also
    victims of Hussite wars in 1415-1421 – all victims were christians. Greetins from Czech Republic !

  36. I also received an email and wanted to do some research….as it was hard for me to believe this. If some members of other community have made generalise judgements about muslims for the immoral actions of some criminals who calls themselves muslims!!!, why should we be ignorant and make hasty or false judgement about other religions??!!

    I believe we have enough humbleness and faith not to act like others have acted or treaed us…..

    There are few culpable individual in all religions and community please do not generalise and condemn a whole nation or religion !!!

  37. Salam, I think what has been done is past, what would happen now is future look at future, Islam is a religion of peace, it teaches us respect to all Prophets sent by God, we also respect by our heart to Hazrat Issa alasalam as we respect our holy prophet Hazrat Mohammad Mustafa (peace be upon him), if some body done bad with Muslims, or even Christians or from any other person from other religion, he would be punished by my almighty Allah, as he has been born us all, so we just pray for peace. Islam is the reliogion of love, kindness & peace, it is, it was & it will be till the end of the world. JUNG KHAN

  38. a lot of you people are still drowned in your prejudices and go on attacking this that and the other for your own self satisfaction without a thought about the underlying problem her, namely a lie by a muslim sit about the construction of a building somewhere in the world.
    It does not matter what all other excuses you have in m ind for your hate and prejudices;
    it is the fact that a LIE HAS BEEN WRITTEN IN THE NAME OF ISLAM.
    Do you put your hates and loathings above belief in truth and accuracy?
    I dispair of the this level of inanity and lack of common sense within muslim comunity.

  39. There are so many comments and I was facepalming after reading some ‘clever’ guys’. ATTENTION TO ALL EXPERTS – READ SOMETHING ABOUT IT, BEFORE YOU START TO PHILOSOPHE, and I don’t mean some muslim blog. First of all – Czech are cowards, who don’t really like fighting, do you think they would do such a thing? 2. How has already written someone above me, do you know where Czech Republic is? In central Europe, that means, that if you would want to bring 40K MUSLIMS to CENTRAL EUROPE IN 13th CENTURY, you would have to go really far. And I am atheist, so I’m neutral, so I can tell everything. We learnt in History, that these people really wanted to be buried there, because they thought it’s a holy place. But because there was plague epidemy(or you don’t believe it either?), there were many dead and too little place. So they started to make decoration etc. of the dead so they would complete their last wish – oh, or is that forbidden too to do dead’s last wishes? So, if you, my muslim friends got it, I thank you. And if not, you are paranoic, ignorant and you shouldn’t talk about things you don’t understand.

    Thank you and peace with you.


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